In 2025, schools will need to develop an environment action plan. Do you want to enrich your school site and make it more climate resilient? Do you serve a community which is at risk of flooding?’ If you don’t know your flood risk, check: Check if you’re at risk of flooding
Suds Planters Giveaway
Suds Planters support urban flood management by capturing, storing and filtering rainwater. Suds Planters also clean the water before putting it back into the local system, boost biodiversity with vegetation, and enhance public spaces with greenery, improving overall climate resilience.
(Photo credit: Meristem Design)
To help promote climate resilience, Essex County Council is offering schools in Essex SuDS planters from Meristem (see examples above), this will plug into actions that help ‘Climate resilient school grounds’.
If interested, please send an initial expression of interest to