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Report a flood

Depending on the source of the flood water, flooding needs to be reported to different agencies. 

Report flooding from the road into a property

In the event of rainfall, highway drains and gullies can overflow, and may flood private property. If your property has been flooded due to water coming from a road or highway, report it to Essex Highways in the first instance. Please also report it to the floods team as you will be eligible for a grant to protect your home from flooding.

Report other flood incidences on your property

If the ground and surrounding ditches are saturated and at full capacity, excess surface water flooding may flood private property. If your property has been flooded due to surface water, report it to the floods team.

Report flooding from main rivers and sewerage systems

The Environment Agency is responsible for managing the risk from flooding from coastal and Main Rivers.

  • Environment Agency Floodline 24hr 08459 881188
  • Environment Agency General Enquiry Line 03708 506 506
  • Environment Agency Incident Hotline 24hr 0800 80 70 60 

Water companies

Water companies are responsible for the supply of clean drinking water, and for the removal and treatment of wastewater.

During heavy rainfall drainage system can become overwhelmed and untreated sewage may spill out into streets and gardens.

Water companies will help, where possible, to reduce the amount of water escaping from the system and treat areas where sewage has been deposited once the flooding has subsided.

  • Anglian Water 03457 145 145
  • Thames Water 0800 714 614
  • Affinity Water (fresh water only) 0345 357 2407
  • Essex and Suffolk Water (fresh water only) 0345 782 0999

Protect your home from flooding

Regardless of the source of flooding, if you have been flooded and/or live in a Critical Drainage Area, you are eligible to apply for a Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant to protect your property against flooding. Click here to apply for a grant.

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